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Weekend Words – You Can’t Handle the Truth

Many of you may recognize this famous line from the final riveting courtroom scene in the movie “A Few Good Men”. Jack Nicholson blurts it out as a response to a tough line of questioning from Tom Cruise, playing an attorney, after Cruise says, “I think I deserve the truth. I want the truth.”

Why is it in life we often avoid asking the tough questions that will bring us to the truth? I see it in business a lot – the salespeople who are afraid to ask for the order because the answer might be “no”. Or in life – the young man who wants to ask a young lady out on a date but hesitates because he is afraid she will turn him down. People often stay in bad relationships for the same reasons. They are afraid to ask the hard questions because they don’t want to risk the answers being painful ones.

It’s often said that “What [he/she] doesn’t know won’t hurt them”, and “Some things are better left unsaid.” I disagree. I say it’s better to ask for the truth, even if it might hurt. If you don’t learn the truth you will never know where you stand.

A valuable lesson I have learned in sales is to get to the truth quick. This enables you to understand the client’s needs and qualify where they are in the process. It also prevents you from wasting time and energy stressing over where you are with the client.

The same is true with relationships. Wouldn’t you rather know the truth about where you are and where the relationship is going sooner rather than later? Asking the tough questions might be hurtful at first, but it will ultimately help you press on and find a more productive use of your time. “The truth will set you free.”

So I say take the risk and ask those tough questions. You will be better off in the long run and happier for it. If nothing else it will help create a dialogue which can be beneficial in improving your relationships.

A good friend of mine has a saying he uses in tough times – “LMO”, which stands for “Let’s Move On”. We’re all strong enough and can find it in ourselves to handle the truth. Let’s not hold ourselves back any longer.


Have a great weekend,



Special thanks to Brian Lang for his encouragement over the years and his latest suggestion to use the above movie scene in one of my Words of Encouragement posts.

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