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25 Years At McShea, Part 2

When I first started at McShea, the brokerage team was essentially two guys: Bob Dickman and me. Bob was given the daunting task of teaching me the business. I had worked briefly in sales before, but I had never worked in real estate and knew next to nothing about how sales worked in that industry.

Our first deal together was a 900-square-foot office condo that we leased for one year. We celebrated by getting some subs and a six-pack of beer and taking them back to the office. You would have thought we had just won the Super Bowl. I’m not even sure the commission on that deal covered the cost of the beer, but we were excited all the same.

In time, Bob established himself as one of the perennial top brokers in the state of Maryland. I, too, have been very successful in the industry. We went from buds and subs to filets and Cabernet. But we never forgot where we came from. Several of the original McShea employees who experienced those tough early days firsthand – Tim McShea, Jack McShea Jr., Laurie Craft, Steve Lynch, Len Mongeon – now hold leadership positions within the company. They haven’t forgotten where McShea came from, so our past helps guide the company in the present.

As a result, we still stress the fundamentals that brought us through the tough times to achieve success. We call that the “McShea Way.” We’re kind of like the awkward kid from grade school who grows up to be the football star in high school. We’ve achieved all kinds of success, but we still remember what it felt like to be that awkward new kid in the industry.

I recently met with a potential client who got my number off a flier I had dropped off at her suite. As soon as we sat down she held up the flyer, pointed at our carefully-researched information and told me she hadn’t read any of it. She called me based entirely on the fact that the McShea name was on the flyer. She explained that she had dealt with McShea for 20 years and knew what that name stood for. She didn’t need to read sales data or a pitch – if McShea was doing the deal, she would trust us. That, more than any sales numbers or market share data, tells me that we’ve managed to establish McShea as a respected part of the local commercial real estate industry.

From the very beginning it was the people in the company that set McShea apart from other firms. It’s still true today – the employees, including many original hires that have stayed with McShea for the long haul, help keep the company going strong. I would like to thank all of my coworkers for your outstanding contributions to McShea and the continued friendship and support you give to me.

I would also like to thank all of the clients I have had the privilege to work with over the years. Without your loyalty and belief in me my career as a broker would never have gotten off the ground. I’ve now been around long enough that I find myself working with some of your sons and daughters. A prime example of this is the Lang family. I’ve had the privilege of working with Marvin Lang for all of my 25 years at McShea, and now I work with his son Brian also. I have to give Brian credit, too – he was the one who insisted two years ago that I start writing the “Words of Encouragement” e-mails again.

Speaking of the “Words of Encouragement” e-mails, I would also like to thank all of my readers who have become like a second family to me. Whenever I start to get discouraged, you all lift my spirits with your kind words and support.

Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank my Uncle Jack for taking a chance on an ex-college-football-coach turned T-shirt salesman and building the company that made it all possible. I would also like to thank my Aunt Betty, who has been like a guardian angel to us all these years. She was right there with us during those tough early years, and her courage was an inspiration to me.

Have a great weekend,


Read Part 1 here: http://rowaldron.com/2012/04/13/25-years-at-mcshea-ro-looks-back/

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