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Weekend Words – Take a Lap

My uncle Jack McShea founded McShea & Company in the 1980s. He told me once that one of his first jobs was as comptroller of an electrical contracting firm. When he began working there the firm was struggling to survive in a tough economy. Sound familiar?

His days were long and generally spent negotiating terms with creditors and trying to get customers with overdue accounts to pay up. His mood was naturally affected, and he would typically go right into his office in the mornings and close the door without interacting much with the other employees.

One day the company had a small office party, serving coffee and snacks and encouraging the employees to mingle. Jack came out of his office and joined the group, revealing his normal self for a change – a jovial, positive person who is also a great listener. One of the other employees told him she was surprised to see this side of him, since all the other employees usually saw of him was the serious man heading straight into his office and shutting the door.

Uncle Jack told me that after hearing what his coworker said, he made up his mind that he would begin and end each day by taking a full lap around the office, taking the time to talk to each employee. He has continued to do this ever since. In fact, he has done it for all 26 of the years I have worked at McShea.

It’s human nature to take his original approach and withdraw from people when things are not going well. However, these are the times when it is most important to take a lap and connect with our people and show them that we care.

Have a great weekend,


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