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A Funeral Fit for a Kennedy

I recently attended a funeral which counted 9 Catholic priests, several prominent businessmen and a few local sports personalities in attendance. The large church was standing-room only with a mixed crowd of all ages, and there was not a dry eye in the house. The funeral was so large and had so many influential people in attendance that ESPN 980’s Kevin Sheehan paid homage on his radio show a few days later. The person being laid to rest was Peter Haley, a long-time friend of my family’s and a fixture in the local community.

Pete was an outstanding football player who starred locally at St. John’s High School. My father had the good fortune to coach Pete at St. John’s, and Pete was one of his all-time favorites. Later in both of their lives they worked together in the same building, and their relationship grew even stronger. I believe my dad saw a lot of himself in Pete and the type of person he became. I told Pete at my dad’s funeral, “My dad loved you, Pete.” It was the highest compliment I could ever have given him.

Pete went on to play football at the University of Maryland, becoming a starting linebacker as a sophomore. He was showing all the signs of living up to the high expectations that everyone had for him. But his football career came to an abrupt halt when he suffered a serious neck injury.

Pete then threw his boundless energy into assisting his cousin John Ricca for 15 years as a coach at his alma mater, St. John’s. John was quoted recently saying that at the beginning of each season all his coaches would gather around and predict what the upcoming season record would be. Pete always went last and made the same prediction every year: “We gonna get us a championship.” Eventually, Pete’s prediction was right.

After his years at St. John’s, Pete became the director of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic youth football league. He spent countless hours of his time and effort to mentor, council and coach young men as well as raising funds for the cost of running the ever-expanding enterprise.

His biggest accomplishments often went unnoticed and he preferred it that way. It was said that Pete was at his best when you were hardest hit. When you seemed at your lowest point Pete was that person that you could count on to listen to you and help you out of whatever situation you found yourself in.

Nobody ever got more out of a day than Pete Haley. His days started early and ended late. He was constantly in motion with the energy level of a 10-year-old. One of his brothers said that he told Pete shortly before he died that he should slow down. Pete responded, “You never know when your time will come. I will never slow down.”

Pete was that special kind of person who you meet once and never forget. He had a tremendous impact on me and my family and on many people in our community. The crowds of people and important local figures didn’t show up to Pete’s funeral because he was wealthy or famous. They showed up because he was Pete Haley, and in his own selfless way he touched each of their lives for the better.

May you rest in peace my brother.

Have a great weekend,


3 comments on “A Funeral Fit for a Kennedy
  1. Wonderful tribute Ro. Pete and I coached at SJC for 8 years. Many didn’t see how he was able to mentor our players. During 2-a-days he would predict an undefeated season. Just full of energy. Pete was a great guy. We nicknamed him the Legend. I think the 1000+ people who attended his funeral would agree

  2. Very nice. Lost my dad in Febru ary and the Boland, Prep , and IAABO family showed up in force. Coaches like your dad my dad and Pete were very influiential

  3. Ro: I really enjoyed your excellent tribute to Peter. He was a man’s man and the kind of guy we all emulated. I always looked up to him… as did so many of his peers. Still does not seem possible that he is gone but his memories will live on forever. He was not only a suberb athlete and positive role model as a coach, but a true friend and without any doubt…one of a kind. I feel very fortunate to have been his buddy. Tremendous tribute!

    Thanks, Tom McGloon

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