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Batman or Robin?

I read an article recently about Howard University’s James Daniel III, currently the top scorer in the nation in NCAA men’s basketball. When Howard coach Kevin Nickelberry was recruiting Daniel, he knew that the standout player already had offers to play at VCU and other schools with more established, better-ranked basketball programs than Howard. His pitch to Daniel was simple: “Do you want to be Batman or Robin?” At Howard, his talent would make him the best player on the team. So long as he was up to the challenge he could be a leader, rather than just another talented guy on the bench of a team full of talent. Daniel decided he wanted to be Batman and chose Howard. Given his current status as the leading scorer in the country, I think he made a pretty good choice.

As we go through life this is a good question to ask ourselves. Take your time with the answer, and be honest in weighing out all of the pros and cons of each side. Do you possess special talents in your field that could put you at the forefront of your industry? Are you willing to put in the level of commitment and sacrifice that it would take, even with all of your talent, to reach those heights? There aren’t many people who can reach the very top, and even fewer who can stay there for more than a short period of time. Are you one of them?

If your answer is no to the above questions, you are more likely a Robin than a Batman. Please understand: there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The majority of people in any given field are “Robins,” and they can and do play vital roles in their companies and industries. Don’t sell yourself short. Being a Robin doesn’t mean you lack talent or drive. You can be very successful without ever making it to the very top of your field.

The “Batmans” who do reach the top rarely do it without the support of a few “Robins.” If you’re a Robin, one of the best things you can do for your career is to find the right Batman – the right leader, be it a boss or fellow employee, to “hook your wagon to” as a vital part of their climb to the top. Get to know these standout people early, and keep in touch. As they advance there might be room for you to join them as well. The same holds true for mentors. Even if you are a Batman looking to rise to the top, finding the right mentor or leader to get you started is key.

Batman or Robin, we all need others to help us succeed in life and in business. Surrounding ourselves with the right people to help us accomplish our goals is a huge step towards success.

Have a great weekend,

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