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Winning Isn’t Everything – It’s The Only Thing

This famous quote attributed to Vince Lombardi speaks to how a lot of people today look at everything we do. The pressure to win all the time makes the stakes seem higher every day. In the corporate world, even the slightest bit of bad news could send stock prices plummeting and the company’s fortunes on the decline.

Since winning is the goal, where do you start when trying to craft a team that will get things done for your company? Honestly, my advice is to go to “winning” companies in your industry and hire the best of their people that you can. The beauty of it is that these people already know how to win. They know what it feels like, and will consequently want to do more of it, and they know the steps it took to get to that level. Their attitude and confidence can help set the tone for your entire organization.

If you’re a young person looking to start winning in your career, where should you begin? First of all, as my mother always told me, “You will be judged by the company you keep.” Try to surround yourself in both your personal and professional lives with people who have similar goals and attitudes. In today’s era of social media ubiquity this is even more important. As you get into the workforce, research and select winning companies in your field to try and join. You can never go wrong learning from winners.

Hold yourself to a higher standard. It’s easy to start getting complacent once you have been in a position for awhile. Jack Welch of GE famously sold off any division of the company whose performance fell to the bottom half of its particular industry. It may seem harsh but he took winning seriously and that focus helped keep his company constantly innovating. Unfortunately for GE, Welch’s winning attitude seems to have faded of late. Maybe they should bring him back.

Get started today with a renewed focus on becoming a winner.

Have a great weekend,



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