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Top Producers

One of the questions I get asked most often about my business is, “What makes a top producer different from all the other brokers?” There are a lot of factors that go into sales, but I personally feel that the single most important one is their will. Simply put, the top producers just want it more than the rest do.

“But Ro,” you might protest,”that can’t be all of it. Doesn’t talent and skill count?” Sure, and the top producers are undoubtedly a talented bunch. However, talent isn’t enough on its own. I reside in and do business in the Washington, D.C. metro area. As emphasized during the recent speculation over Amazon’s HQ2 decision, this area has the highest concentration of adults with graduate degrees in the country. We draw top talent in many fields, not only from around the United States but from around the world. Even a very talented person has to find ways to stand out in this crowd.

Think about professional sports. The ranks of the professional leagues are filled with the top athletes. The “worst” player on an NFL team is better at his sport than thousands of others who played through college but were not good enough to make it to the next level. Yet even at this elite level, there are a few who rise above the rest. Think Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, or Tom Brady. What is it that they have which separates them from others at the professional level? I believe it is what’s above their shoulders that sets them apart, rather than what’s below. Although each of these esteemed sportsmen had obvious physical talent, it is ultimately their mental toughness that elevated their performance above the rest.

Pablo Casals, then 81 years old and one of the most famous and accomplished cellists in the world, was asked why he continued to practice four and five hours a day. “Because I think I am making progress,” he replied.

This mental toughness pushes these top performers to do what others won’t. They come early and stay late, even if no one else expects them to do so. They keep practicing, seeking to find new ways to improve their game even after years of success. They constantly look for an edge. Of Jordan, it was said that he deliberately looked for something to put a chip on his shoulder and get him fired up about the next game. They also keep setting new goals for themselves. Tom Brady has won 5 Super Bowls, with another chance coming up shortly. Yet he still retains that drive to compete and to win. He hasn’t slacked off because of his past success.

Do you want to be a top producer? Start today by working on your mental toughness. Focus on doing some of the things you’ve been putting off. Make the hard calls. Get back to the fundamentals and practice them regularly.

You’ll be amazed what a difference a little will can make.

Have a great weekend,


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