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It’s Showtime!

Whenever I get a chance to give a big presentation to potentially get some new business I always play to win, no matter the odds. It starts with a mantra that I borrowed from a major university lacrosse team: “All in, all the way,” which basically means “All hands on deck.”

I start the process by choosing the right people to be on the team. Getting a team of individuals who have the necessary skills and good chemistry is paramount to giving a fantastic presentation. And if you’re chosen to be on the team, you better bring your best performance on game day, because all of your other team members sure will.

Sometimes this selection process reminds me of choosing sides for pickup basketball games during hot summer days at Sligo Creek Park when I was growing up. It was basically winners play on and losers go home. You had to be sure you had the right stuff if you wanted to get picked to play on a winners’ team.

The first step I take when I’m putting a team together (in business and in sports) is putting my own ego on the shelf. That frees me up to choose the very best talent for my team, without any petty concerns about how they might show me up or make me look less talented. Whether negotiating a commercial real estate deal or coaching college football, your job often depends on the people you have around you. It pays to make sure they are the best of the best.

Throughout the presentation we collectively try to demonstrate an attitude of inclusiveness, enthusiasm, determination and a real desire to listen to our clients and meet their needs. We have to focus on the flow of the conversation and playing to one another’s strengths. This phase is where the team’s chemistry becomes crucial. We are essentially playing offense in a basketball game and passing the ball around until it gets to the person in the best position to score. One person doing all the talking rarely produces successful results. The most effective presentations that I’ve been a part of flow seamlessly from one person to the next while mixing in the solutions that we can provide to meet our clients’ needs.

In life you only get so many chances to perform when “showtime” comes around. Or, as one of my old college football coaches used to scream when we played in a really big stadium: “You’re in the Big Casinah now! We’re gonna see who can play when the bright lights come on!”

When it’s your time under the bright lights, make sure you have a team that’s going to give you the best chance to win!

Have a great weekend,

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