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Hardest Hit? Stay the Course

My favorite topics to write about are things that inspire me and about which I feel passionate. Few things excite me more than people taking all the adversity that life gives us and fighting through it to success. I am also a passionate advocate for loyalty. I believe it is one of the greatest qualities a person can possess.

From that perspective, I am concerned about a new phenomenon that has been created by the NCAA called the Portal System. This system makes it easier for student athletes to transfer to other schools to continue playing their respective sports. To me this sets a dangerous precedent by creating the perception that it is perfectly ok to cut and run at the first signs of trouble in your current school’s program. I am afraid the students will begin to believe the grass is always greener on a different field, and I can tell them from experience that this is definitely not how things work in the real world.

I learned the importance of loyalty from the example set for me by the mentors and leaders I’ve encountered throughout my sports and business careers. The best organizations are those that inspire loyalty in their people and show them loyalty in return. And truly great teams, whether in sports or business, are forged through adversity. There is nothing like the bond and trust between people who have fought through tough times side by side. We’re all tempted to put ourselves first in life; it’s a natural instinct. But greater benefits can come from sticking it out during the tough times with our organization.

As for the Portal System, I would like to see it changed so that it rewarded perseverance and sticking with your team. I’m not sure how exactly they would design a system to do that, and it’s possible that modern media and collegiate sports have just gone too far into the “every player for themselves” thinking for it to ever work. But old-school though it may be, I still have a heck of a lot more respect for the players who stick with their original teams through good times and bad.

Have a great weekend,

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