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Simply Wonderful

We’re gearing up for our second COVID Christmas season. Things are a little better than they were last year, but still far from normal. In the midst of all this uncertainty, it can be hard to approach the holidays with the right attitude. This week I’m sharing a story about my aunt who always made an effort to enjoy the holidays, even when her own life circumstances weren’t the best. I think it’s an example we can all learn from this year.

My Aunt Sally lived a tough life, mainly due to several serious physical ailments. Candidly, most of the time she was pretty unpleasant to be around. All this changed around the holidays, however. She always showed up to the family holiday gatherings in a great mood, with a positive attitude and a sense of humor that would keep us all entertained.

She never failed to compliment her family members during these gatherings. She would say to me, “Ronnie, you’re so handsome, you look like Tom Selleck! How on earth do you keep all the women off you?” (Ronnie was her nickname for me, and to this day she is the only person who has ever called me that.) Or she would turn to my sister Sally and say, “Sally, you’re so gorgeous, you remind me of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Your father, poor soul, must need a broom to keep all the young men off the front porch.” We would all laugh and blush, but her comments always made us feel a little bit better about ourselves. She would then keep us laughing all evening with stories about the other people who lived in her apartment complex.

When dinner was served on Christmas Aunt Sally made a point of complimenting everyone who had worked so hard to prepare the meal. “This meal is perfect,” she would say, “much better than the Ritz Carlton. Magnificent! I’ve never tasted better in my life.” Her signature line, “Everything is simply wonderful”, reappeared without fail every Christmas.

We would eventually drive Aunt Sally home after the party wound down. The whole way home she would talk about what a special day it had been for her. Without fail, three days after the party the host would receive a handwritten note of sincere thanks from Aunt Sally, full of praise for the effort the host had put into making the event so special.

My Aunt Sally passed away a few years ago and we all miss her dearly around this time of year. We still quote her signature line to each other around the dinner table. We learned a lot from her, and I hope you can learn from her, too.

If you have someone in your life like my Aunt Sally, please take the time to thank them and tell them you love them this holiday season.

Have a great weekend,

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