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About Ro’s Words of Encouragement

Ro Waldron

Ro Waldron, Author of Ro’s Words of Encouragement

Welcome to rowaldron.com! I’m Ro Waldron.

“Ro’s Words of Encouragement” originated as a weekly e-mail message designed to inspire my fellow brokers and clients to get through the difficult economic times we faced over the last few years. Gradually the focus shifted to encouraging and inspiring people in all aspects of their lives. Now I publish my “Weekend Words” posts every Friday at 10AM, as well as including other positive material on my blog throughout the week.

As a commercial real estate broker, I have worked on over $800,000,000 in corporate transactions totaling more than 4,000,000 square feet of commercial space, first through McShea & Company and now at Avison Young. You can check out my current listings here. I was an assistant coach at Virginia Tech and at the University of Kentucky. At Kentucky I coached in two Hall of Fame bowl games, including the 1984 game where Kentucky defeated the University of Wisconsin. In 1985 I became the head coach at the Catholic University of America. At the time, I was the youngest head coach in the United States.

Through my background in college football as a player and coach, and my experiences as a top-producing commercial real estate broker, I offer a unique background and perspective for my readers. I will share with you resources from all of the people I have had the privilege to work with in both professions. From the colorful coaching tales and the stressful world of corporate America you will gain the insight and perspective to help you adjust your attitude, elevate yourself, and feel better mentally and physically.

As a coach I once recruited a young man from inner-city Baltimore. His family and friends threw a big party at his apartment to celebrate when he signed on to come play football at our school. The centerpiece of the celebration was a cake, which had a wonderful message written on it.

That simple message has remained one of my favorites, and is the first “word of encouragement” I will share with you here:

“Don’t stop ‘til you hit the top!”


6 comments on “About Ro’s Words of Encouragement
  1. this is very good message for those who have lost hope ,those that have despaired and those who been let own by friends and enemies.
    may you be blessed mightly

  2. Most people’s top is different, but there no better feeling then to reach what is the top for you. Then to stay there is another story. I guess will wait for your further Ro’S.

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