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Contact Us

Questions or comments? Do you have a story or favorite quote you would like me to share with my readers, either credited or anonymously?

E-mail me at wordsofencouragementblog@gmail.com.

Post a message on my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ros-Words-of-Encouragement/124512444285144

Check out my profile on Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?trk=tab_pro&id=57726847

3 comments on “Contact Us
  1. Hey Ro,

    Just wanted to let you know how much your rememberances of your Dad brightened my day today. Reminded me how lucky I was to have known him. I spent a lot of time at your home in the early 70s with Dave. When I injured my knee and could no longer play on the JV squad at St John’s in ’74-75, I was really feeling like quite the failure since it was my whole reason for going there. Your Dad convinced me to be one of his equipment managers for the Varsity team, along with Kevin Sockwell. One of the best decisions I ever made. It afforded me the opportunity to see how his coaching staff worked behind the scenes, and as a BONUS, he gave me a ride home several times a week. I think he and Larry Raum used to draw straws to see who would drive me home, but I digress… While he was finishing up his 14+ hour day, I was sitting in his office doing my mountains of homework after I’d finished up my lockerroom duties. He made it very clear that studies were job one. I wreaked of cigar smoke every night when I got home. LOL Some conversations during the ride were priceless. Others were pretty quiet depending on how the practice/game went. I left my Varsity letter on his casket at the wake. I’m proud to say that your Dad helped instill in me the attributes of hard work and dedication that got me through my stint in the USAF Combat Control Team (SpecOps), and a full career as an Air Traffic Controller/Instructor at one of the busiest FAA, facilities in the country. To be sure, he lead by example. He inspired everyone he met to be the best they could be.

    Thanks again Ro, very much.

    Mark Hughes

  2. Ro,
    Having just found your words of enIcouragement site recently. It has caught me up with your great success. Finding out that doonie passed left me heavy hearted and made feel like I’ve been living under a rock for sometime.keep up the encouragement because I’ve always been a fan and respect your wisdom as I did with your dad so many years ago. Please give your family my regards.

    Marc gendleman

  3. Ro,
    please do not retire from writing and deal making. I also enjoy your perspective on football, lessons learned. I know VT and ND need to go to school to learn how to handle Miami.
    All the best,
    George Voris

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