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“Tears of a Clown” Is a Great Song, But No Way to Live

One of the verses to Smokey Robinson’s legendary Motown hit “Tears of a Clown” goes like this:

Oh yeah, baby, now if I appear to be carefree it’s only to camouflage my sadness. In order to shield my pride I try to cover this hurt with a show of gladness.”

That sure seems like a tough way to live. However, with modern technology more and more people choose to “cocoon” themselves from dealing with their problems on a personal level. It’s too easy to avoid the personal interactions that are so important to building or healing relationships. We choose to text, e-mail and tweet about our feelings, often anonymously. Whatever happened to meeting in person to resolve our differences? Kids today can transfer information at record speeds. But can they truly communicate their feelings to other people?

Let’s try something. Let’s go back to when we didn’t have access to cyberspace and the whole electronic world we live in today. When your significant other was breaking up with you they did it in person, not by changing their relationship status on Facebook. Your neighborhood became your support system. Some of my closest friends are people I know from “the neighborhood” long ago.

I saw a TV commercial once that featured a large company having a sales meeting where the person leading the meeting walked around to each person and handed them a plane ticket. He said, “We are going to get to know our clients better.” Well, many of you know I’m a big proponent of Woody Allen quotes, and one of my favorites fits this scenario perfectly: “80% of life’s successes are achieved by just showing up.” What better way is there to really show your clients that you care about them and are interested in their needs?

I asked one of the top brokers in our industry what made him different from other brokers. He responded simply, “I show up.” Every chance he gets to show up in person, he takes. If something could be sent via e-mail, he chooses instead to drop it off personally. Before long he’s around so much the clients consider him part of the company! And he never has to worry about courier bills.

I’ve got a policy I’ve dubbed the “Three Ps”. When it comes to clients, I say: personalize, personalize and personalize. The best way to accomplish this and separate yourself from the rest is by showing up. Sounds easy, right? Give it a shot. I think you’ll be very pleased with the results.

Have a great weekend,


3 comments on ““Tears of a Clown” Is a Great Song, But No Way to Live
  1. With all the digital options we have now to communicate with we have gotten away from in-person meetings, phone calls, etc…

    A personal meeting, a simple note, or a phone call will go a long way to helping you develop better relationships!

  2. Ro,

    Great post! I agree 100% with showing up and taking every opportunity to personalize every connection. Rather than thinking of this as an “or” scenario, I see it as an “and.” Show up in person (physical) when possible AND online. Sharing your personality online is the only differentiation we have to offer. Just echoing advise from successful personalities like @garyvee and @dmscott.

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